Seed-Applied Alfalfa Management

In the Bag, Ready to Plant

Planting seed with alphajoule Biostimulant pre-applied doesn’t require changes in your farm’s current alfalfa management program. Spring seedings, whether direct or with a nurse crop, receive a full growing season of establishment, yield, milk per acre, and carry forward plant health benefits provided by alphajoule. Summer and fall seedings benefit from establishment and carry forward plant health benefits.

seed-applied alphajoule Biostimulant seed requires no change in alfalfa managment on your farm

Seed-applied alphajoule is effective in the root, crown, and above ground foliage from germination through multiple harvests until the first killing frost or when soil temperatures drop below 32°F. Bacteria move up through the plant’s xylem with water and nutrients to replenish bacteria removed by harvest. alphajoule bacteria do not move down the plant in the phloem. The phloem is reserved for products of photosynthesis being trans-located to the crown and roots. Fields with seed-applied alphajoule would not usually benefit from additional foliar-applied alphajoule during the establishment season.

alphajoule bacteria, whether seed- or foliar-applied, won’t over-winter in alfalfa roots or foliage in growing areas where winter air or soil temperatures fall below 32°F. The bacteria must be re-introduced during the following spring green-up.

Seed treated with alphajoule doesn’t require special storage or handling beyond the normal recommendations for seed and farm chemicals. Store in a cool, dry warehouse and avoid temperature extremes, especially summer heat. Seed-applied alphajoule is effective for two planting seasons when stored as recommended.

For more information and local availability call 608-317-3810.