Foliar-applied alphajoule Biostimulant Trial

Marathon, WI
Marathon County

Soil Type: Sandy clay loam

Established: Direct seeded mid June, 2019

Alfalfa Variety: Alforex Seeds Hi-Gest® 360

Harvest Date: September 16, 2019

Comments: Superior weed control on this direct seeded alfalfa. The first crop wasn’t weighed. alphajoule Biostimulant and PRYMER for Alfalfa activator were applied on August 30, 2019, to 8-10” tall second crop regrowth.


alphajoule Biostimulant trial Marathon, WI 2019

Bottom Line: 

For maximum seasonal yield response from established stands, alphajoule applications are recommended following each harvest starting with spring green-up. Even when weather or other circumstances don’t allow for following the optimum schedule, treating specific crops can still be a profitable strategy. Spring planted alfalfa with seed-applied alphajoule would not require foliar applications during the establishment growing season. However, on this farm, the variety planted did not carry seed-applied alphajoule but positive effects were realized from utilizing foliar-applied alphajoule on the second crop of this direct-seeded field in its first season.

alphajoule Product and Management Guide 2020

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