Foliar-applied alphajoule Biostimulant Trial

Coleman, WI
Oconto County

Soil Type: Sandy loam

Established: Spring 2018 with oats as nurse crop

Alfalfa Variety: HarvXtra®

Harvest Dates: July 31, 2019, August 31, 2019

Comment: alphajoule Biostimulant and PRYMER for Alfalfa were applied to 20 acres of this larger, aggressively managed field of third crop on July 17, 2019, and to fourth crop regrowth on August 8, 2019. During the second application alphajoule was applied to adjacent acres in the field that had not received the treatment on July 17th. The area receiving only the fourth crop treatment is designated as 1X and is not used in the seasonal totals or averages.



alphajoule Biostimulant trial at Coleman, WI 2019

Bottom Line: 

The performance benefits of alphajoule build from crop to crop during the season. For this aggressive alfalfa manger in northeast Wisconsin, the alfalfa receiving third and fourth crop applications had a half ton (27%) yield and a 31% milk per acre advantage over the untreated third and fourth crops.

alphajoule Product and Management Guide 2020

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